Micro-Interviews for Shiver Horror Authors Erin Louis and Brennan LaFaro

Allow me to introduce you to a few of the contributing authors to Shiver Anthology in these little micro-interviews!

Horror Author Erin Louis

1. What was the inspiration for your story? (No spoilers!)

Part of the inspiration for the story came from writing the story itself. This year has been great for family time, but tricky for finding the solitude for writing.

2. Have you ever had a chilling experience in the cold?

Author Erin Louis

Author Erin Louis

One winter morning when I was 10 I was digging a trail in my backyard. It was shortly after my mom and I had moved to the country from the suburbs in southern California. I was singing as I was digging and I uncovered the most hideously frightening looking creature in the dirt. I dropped my shovel and ran screaming into the house. Turned out to be just a potato bug.

3. Would you rather spend Christmas in Antarctica with RJ MacReady (The Thing) or spend the winter with Jack Torrance at the Overlook Hotel (The Shinning) and why?

As a woman who likes to fix broken men, I would have to choose Jack Torrence and the Overlook. What a challenge........

4. Where can people find you online?

I can be found on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, and my website

Horror Author Brennan LaFaro

  1. What was the inspiration for your story? (No spoilers!)

Author Brennan LaFaro

Author Brennan LaFaro

For starters, my family would always vacation in New Hampshire when I was younger, usually both in the winter and summer. I grew up in Massachusetts so snow wasn't some great miracle, but there was something about staying in a rustic cottage surrounded by snow. (No cable, yikes) To be fair, I never stayed in one quite as isolated as the one in "A Shine in the Woods"

The ocean is famous for being so big it's impossible for people to know every inch of it and what could be lurking within, but I've always felt like big sprawling woods, acres and acres wide, had that element too. It's why we can't write off Bigfoot and other cryptids. Those types of areas are just too big to definitively prove something doesn't exist. Unknown quantities are always terrifying.

2. Have you ever had a chilling experience in the cold?

Wouldn't it be great to have a story to share here?

I wish I had some thrilling or chilling supernatural experience to give you, but if I did, you'd probably be reading an exaggerated version of it in Shiver. The scariest thing I've ever done in the cold is learn to drive during a New England winter.

3. What is your favorite winter activity?

One thing I miss about snowy winters as a kid is the lack of responsibility. Not having to shovel driveways, rake the roof, or perform other tedious backache-inducing activities. But coming inside after that's done and parking on the couch with a book and a beverage is second to none. You appreciate the warmth and the relaxation that much more.

4. Where can people find you online?

I'm most active on twitter, but you can find me on Instagram too. I've got a blog devoted to book reviews at http://brennanlafaro.wordpress.com, though it doesn't get updated as often as it used to.


Micro-Interviews for Shiver Anthology Authors Charles Maria Tor and Eric Raglin


Horror Author Tim Prasil #Interview