A writing mentorship provides writers with the chance to receive help on their manuscript from conception to competition.

During this time, writers will learn a wealth of information including plot development, writing the internal and external stakes of their characters, the essential pillars of story telling, how to write the important midpoint moment, the difference between “showing” and “telling", grammar rules (I love an Oxford comma!), background information about their characters (dark moment of the characters past, the lie they believe, the truth they discover), how to be concise with background info (no background dumping), as well as more pivotal story telling elements. Several examples will be provided.

Also, insider information about the publishing industry will be shared to help get the book into a reader’s hands. Marketing skills and branding will also be shared.

Mentees will communicate over Zoom, emails, and DMs (I’m mostly on TikTok and Twitter).

Payment is done on a schedule. The first payment is 50% up front (PayPal or Venmo). The second payment of 25% will come two weeks later, and the final payment of 25% will be made two weeks after that. Whether or not an author decides to continue the mentorship, all payment must be paid in full.

Mentorships will last between one month to six months depending on where an author is starting their journey. Some may already have an idea and an outline of their plot and only need a month or two. Others may be at the very beginning of their journey and require longer, up to six months. A minimum of one month will always be offered.

If a writer gets to the end of the six month period and doesn’t have a working draft of a manuscript, plenty of resources will be given in order for the writer to confidently finish his/her/their work. Six months is the maximum time for mentorship.

Please note I reserve the right to cancel a mentorship if a write is being aggressive, hostile, or harassing. Payment is still due. No refund will be given.

Writers have the right to cancel the mentorship as well. All payment is still due. There are no refunds.

I do not work with stories that contain/intend to contain sexual assault, gore for the sake of gore, and works that contain hate speech or discrimination of any kind other than to fight against such horrible things. There will be no AI supported projects.

A mentorship does not guarantee publication or an agent.

Pricing for the entire process is $1,000. Why so high? Writing a book can be a time consuming process for both a writer and a mentor. Please keep in mind that a six month mentorship averages $166/month.

Life happens, for both a mentee and the mentor, and sometimes sticking to a rigid timetable isn’t possible. At this point, the mentee and mentor will work together to come up with an appropriate time table.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out! I look forward to working with you and bringing your story to life!