Vanessa Dun #Interview

Vanessa Dunn Interview

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1.      Congratulations on your recent release Sebastian: The In-Between! Can you please tell us a little about the book?

Sebastian is an outsider bullied by everyone because he is very different from us. There has always been something off about him. His best friend is his overprotective mother, Samantha. She is all the family that he has, or so he thought. At the age of 13, he witnesses a gruesome murder by a supernatural being that no one else can see, but him. That night he learns of his abilities, about what he really is, and about his mother's lies. As his world crumbles, Sebastian's newfound gift quickly becomes a curse, when he realizes that he can't control his growing powers. Especially when he almost kills his mother. Now he doesn't know who to trust, especially himself, which forces him into hiding with a stranger, who is the only one that understands him, but has an evil past of her own. Sebastian realizes that he must evolve from a shy, newly angry outcast to a fierce warrior--or die trying. As an old enemy stays close in the shadows to exterminate him, and everyone in his bloodline. Everyone that is an In-Between.


2.      What was the most challenging aspect about writing Sebastian’s story?

Him going from this sweet shy kid that feels nothing to this kid who is starting to become a more impatient and angry kid, and rightfully so.

3.      From conception to publication, how long did it take to create this book?

It took me about 5 years. I started out as a thesis for school, but became a full novel. 

4.      Are there any topics you refuse to write about?

I won’t write erotica novels. I might have a sex scene, but nothing too graphic.

5.      What is one tip you wish you had known about publishing before you went through the process?

How some agents just don’t respond if they’re not interested. I understand why, but I wish they would.

6.      Who is your favorite author?

I don’t have just one. I love Sabaa Tahir, Stephen King, Joe Hill, Robin Wasserman, Jo Knowles, John Vercher, Dean Koontz, John Searles, and Stephanie Garber, and Tomi Adeyemi.

7.      Okay, this is my favorite question to ask writers. We all know writers have, um, interesting search histories. If the FBI seized your computer right now, what would they find on it that is “totally for research?”

Unfortunately there is nothing that I researched that they would be interested in.

8.      What’s next for you? Any projects you want to discuss?

I am working on Book 2 of Sebastian’s story. It hopefully won’t take me as long as the first one did.

9.      Where can people find you online if they want to follow and support your work?

Twitter and on Instagram

10.   Last chance! Anything else you’d like to include?

My book is available on Amazon in ebook and paperback. I really hope people enjoy it as much as I did creating it.


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