Interview with Horror Author Julian Michael Carver

Interview with Julian Michael Carver

1.      Congratulations on your most recent book Megacroc! Can you please tell us a little about the plot (no spoilers!)?

Sure! Megacroc is a creature-feature horror novel based in a fictional Florida community. The general spoiler-free summary is this: There is a creature near the Everglades picking off residents near a housing development. The police and the Coast Guard are brought in to investigate, leading to a chain of events that threatens the lives of everyone involved. If you love horror like Lake Placid or Blood Surf, you'll love Megacroc.

2.      What was your inspiration for this book?


I got the idea because my favorite type of horror is  crocodile or reptile based creature-horror, and there aren't many books/movies about crocodiles as the antagonist. I have plans for several more Megacroc stories, one of which (Megacroc:Origins) is coming out this year. I think the big-name crocodile horror films really helped to inspire me as well namely Lake Placid, Blood Surf, Freshwater, and Killer Crocodile.

3.      When did you love of creature features begin?

 My Nanna let me rent the rated R film Python when I was eight years old. I thought it was probably one of the coolest plots in a horror film ever! Obviously other films helped to motivate me as well like Jurassic Park, Carnosaur, Red Water, Jaws, Creature from the Black Lagoon, and The Valley of Gwangi. I also couldn't get enough of the Godzilla movies, and was addicted to the cartoon Godzilla: The Series, which aired every Saturday morning. When I went to the movie rental store, I would often just look at how cool the VHS covers for Critters and Critters 2 were. Steve Alten who wrote the MEG novels is also a big motivator for me.

4.      Tell us a little about “The Backpack Dinosaur.” Will there be more books in the series?

raptor kid.jpg

The Backpack Dinosaur started with an idea of a series that resembled chapter books from the 90's like Goosebumps and The Bailey School Kids. It is a book series that follows two siblings and their pet velociraptor, that they hatched from a mysterious egg that they found in an alley behind their home. The raptor quickly becomes a household pet, and often comes in handy throughout their various adventures in the series. The Backpack Dinosaur is a self-published series, and as such it has been difficult to gain traction and readers. It is a passion project, because I loved books like this growing up.  By a chance meeting with a Barnes and Noble associate on Goodreads named Glen, it has secured limited brick and mortar distribution – something I never thought would happen with my self-published books! I am preparing a pitch to Barnes and Noble corporate to try to help the books get into more locations. Currently I am trying to write at least one The Backpack Dinosaur book a year.

 5.      If one of your books was made into a SciFi Original movie, who would you want to play the leads?

First of all, that would be a dream come true – one of my books becoming a B monster movie. I guess it wouldn't matter who would be in it, just as long as it eventually happens (hint: SyFy  - check out my books!)

6.      If you could make any creature from any creature feature real and turn them into your pet, which would you pick and why?

Hmmm. Good Question. Maybe the compys from The Lost World: Jurassic Park, because they're adorable!

7.      Who is your favorite author?

Steve Alten who writes the MEG novels. I have read most of them! Also he is probably one of the most well-known creature horror novelists because of the success of MEG. Michael Crichton would be my other big influence.

8.      What book are you reading right now? 

I am currently reading through the Aliens books! They are great! I'm on the first one, Aliens: Earth Hive by Steve Perry.

9.      Where can people find you online?


Horror Author Julian Michael Carver

I am most platforms! But I am most active on Twitter and Facebook . My YouTube channel is JMC talks, where I occasionally post reviews about creature horror films and books. My Instagram is also julianmcarver. I'm on Goodreads and Amazon as well, obviously.

10.   This is you chance! Is there anything you’d like to say that hasn’t been mentioned?

If anyone reading this has a kid who loves dinosaurs, please check out The Backpack Dinosaur series! It is a great series, but has been hard to gain traction because they are self-published. They are produced to look as commercial as a Big-5 published books look. And please, if you read them or want to read them please leave an honest review wherever applicable. Thanks so much to all my readers!

 Check out all Julian’s incredible work on his Amazon author page HERE


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