Interview with Horror Author Chris DiLeo

Interview with Chris DiLeo

1.     First, congratulations on your Stoker eligible book The Hands of Onan! For those just discovering this story, can you share with us what it is about?

The Hands of Onan is about a writer tasked with rescuing his friend from an all-male masturbation cult. To do this, he must confront his own addiction to onanistic pleasures.

Author Chris DiLeo

2.     What was the inspiration behind this story?

Few things terrify me more than religious fanaticism. I’d explored the dangers of cults previously in the book Children of Fire, which is about an ex-detective who must save a child from fire-wielding zealots. Almost as a parody, I thought up the most outlandish and ridiculous cult I could imagine: masturbation worshippers. Much to my delight and horror, I found actual biblical passages to support my imaginary cult. Check out The Book of Genesis (if you dare!).

3.     Was there any scene in this book that was challenging to write?

There were many times while writing the climatic (pun intended) sequence at the end when Mike confronts the supernatural power behind this cult when I wondered if it was too gross and repulsive and then I dared to be even more disgusting.

4.     What would you say is your writing “brand?” What type of horror do you write?

I write stories that are visceral, emotional, engaging, and even thought-provoking.

5.     Where can readers find you online?

I’m everywhere as @authordileo



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