Nico Bell Nico Bell

Book Reviews from #TransRightsReadathon

Trans Rights Readathon: Book Reviews

From March 20 - 27th, I’ve been/ will be participating in the #TransRightsReadathon! As of today, I have read four books and I plan on completing one more before the end of the 27th. All my pledge money (will go to JustUs Oasis, a program-based organization in Tennessee that helps queer youth with housing, advocacy, and self-acceptance. Now, more than ever, it’s vital to stand with the trans community and provide support, resources, and allyship!

Here are the books I set out to read:

I’m currently reading Future Feeling, which will be my last pledged read.

Let’s break these books down a little deeper for anyone interested in reading them in the future!


My first read was Pet by Akwaeke Emezi . This book has been all over social media for the longest time, and it’s been on my TBR forever. Like many others, the readathon was the perfect opportunity to dust it off and dive in. I’m so glad I took the plunge!

This book is B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T! It’s about a young trans girl named Jam whose mother is an artist. One of her mom’s paintings spawns a creature named Pet, and that’s when the trouble really begins. Jam lives in the peaceful town of Lucille, where monsters don’t live. In fact, they were vanquished by angels before Jam was born, but Pet isn’t convinced. Pet ‘s mission is crystal clear: there’s a monster in Lucille that must be destroyed.

Jam is a beautiful young character and a positive trans representation in literature. Her transition is loved, embraced, and supported by her parents. Her dialogue and characterization is believable for a young girl who is beginning to realize the world isn’t as she’s been told. The story is packed with emotion, tension, and haunting moments. I wish this was required reading in schools.


Next up was Depart Depart ! by Sim Kern, who inspired the entire trans rights readathon movement! This is about a trans Jewish man who is displaced after a horrible flood washes away his queer-safe haven community in Texas. Now, he’s stuck at the Dallas Maverick’s Stadium with a group of people he often avoids. Tensions and frustrations grow as the days tick by, and to make matters worse, he’s seeing the ghost of his great-grandfather who fled Nazi Germany.

This book is super short but crazy impactful. I’d consider it climate change/ speculative/ social justice fiction. It’s certainly not light reading, but it’s worth the emotional journey. I recommend for readers who want to dive deeper into queer culture as well as those curious about how the Jewish faith dissects gender.


Book three was a challenge for me. In my TikTok video review, I mention that I don’t feel smart enough for this book, which is true. Convulsive by Joe Koch is a literary horror short story collection filled with lyrical and poetic prose. The imagery and metaphors became a little challenging for me to follow, but I strongly believe others will enjoy sinking deeply into Koch’s beautiful worlds and imagination. Koch can certainly paint a picture and take readers on a quest towards inner growth and spirituality. There’s a lovely cadence to the words, even though I sometimes struggled to dive as deeply as I wished.


Two words.

Vagina. Monster.

I mean, I could end the review right there, but aside from a tentacle monster with teeth (named Magenta) emerging from a vagina, this book is a powerful harrowing look at body autonomy. Yaya is startled to discover that there is something growing deep within. She blames AlphaBeta Pharmaceutical, a company who claims to own her and many others who underwent a procedure while still in the womb. Now, the growth is starting to get angry, and it wants out.

Piper is a fantastic creature of monsters. Magenta is rage filled, but equally sympathetic and beautiful. The plot moves quickly with tons of action and suspense. The characters are lovingly crafted and come alive, leaving readers feeling a sense of longing for them long after the final sentence. This is incredible prose!

The last book on my list is Future Feeling by Joss Lake. I was going to wait to post about the books I’ve read until I finished, but I wanted to put this out in time for those still interested in the readathon to find some recommendations.

I’m halfway through Future Feelings and it’s an extremely unique sci-fi that I can’t wait to finish! I’ll make sure to post a review later next week.

If readers are looking for further suggestions, here are some more possible books to consider! Yes, Depart Depart! is on this as well. It’s that good!

Remember to keep supporting trans books and trans authors! We will stand by them and won’t let their voices fade!

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