If interested, please read the policy carefully before submitting. Note: I reserve the right to DNF a book at any time.
What type of books do I review?
Nico Bell
NOVELLAS ONLY! Yes, I have decided to only review novellas because I just can’t commit the time necessary for longer books. Horror, science fiction, and thrillers. Any combination of these genres is great, but I do NOT accept fantasy. If your book has a dragon, please know it isn’t for me :) DO NOT SEND ME ANY BOOK THAT CONTAINS SEXUAL ASSAULT ON THE PAGE! One of the reasons I stopped reviewing in the past was because I set this boundary and authors thought it didn’t apply to them. If you violate this rule, I will not review your future work.
How long does it take for a book to be reviewed?
I try to review in a timely manner, but I make no guarantees in terms of publishing a book review in a specific time frame. For some, it may be as quick as a week while others may take several months. It depends on my personal schedule and my TBR list. I’ll do my best to try and accommodate publication dates, but when you submit for a book review, you are acknowledging that the process may take awhile longer than you anticipated. It’s totally appropriate to email me a polite reminder if your review hasn’t been posted within three months of the acceptance date.
do you accept eBooks?
Yes, although due to my migraines, I’ve been moving away from them and requesting paperback.
What are you qualifications?
In addition to being a published author, I’ve been a professional book reviewer since 2018. I worked for SciFi&Scary (Later named Leviathan Library) and currently for Publisher’s Weekly
Where will my book review be published?
You can expect your book review up on Goodreads and Amazon (if Amazon permits it), and it will be published on my website blog either as a standalone piece or with another book of similar genre. Also, I will create a TikTok book review video (@nicobellfiction). I will NOT review your book for Publisher’s Weekly. PW has it’s own review standards, requirements, and submission process.
Where can I submit?
Just head over to the contact page and drop me an email! Thanks for trusting me with your work!
Please note, it saddens me to have to turn down book review requests, but sometimes the book isn’t the right fit or I simply have too much on my plate. I try my best to respond to requests in a timely manner, but if you don’t get a reply in seven days, please consider that a pass on the request.