Horror Author Jay Bower #Interview
Jay Bower Interview
Horror Author Jay Bower
1. Congratulations on your latest book Useless Creatures! It sounds horrifying! Can you please tell us a little about the plot and what inspired it?
Thank you so much! The story is about two college girls that receive anonymous text messages telling them their parents have been kidnapped and the only way to get them back is to commit a series of horrific acts based on the seven deadly sins. It’s a brutal piece that’s a bit outside of what I normally write, but that’s why I did it. I wanted to see how far I could go with my writing. Most likely, this will remain as the goriest piece I write.
2. Two of your books Soul Eyes and The Dark Sacrifice take place in small towns. What appeals to you about a small town setting? Have you ever lived in a small town?
They are both based on the small town I currently live in. I wanted to create several stories within the town and give it a creepy feel. I’m currently working on another Brownsville novel.
3. On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being completely soaked in blood, how gory are your novels?
The Dark Sacrifice: maybe a 2? Soul Eyes: 7. Useless Creatures: 9-10.
4. Are there any horror troupes you won’t write and why?
Honestly, not that I’ve come across yet. I do find my readers lean more toward the atmospheric/paranormal horror versus the gory stuff.
5. When did your love of horror begin?
Early on. My mom was (and is!) a huge King fan. The first novel I remember reading on my own was Pet Semetary. I was hooked from that point on. Add in a bunch of 80’s horror movies and you’ve got my influences.
6. If you could co-author a book with any author, living or dead, who would it be and why?
I’ll give you two: Stephen King because he’s the man and Duncan Ralston. Duncan has a grasp of the genre and a way with his stories that I absolutely love.
7. What book(s) are you reading right now?
“Ghostland” by Duncan Ralston and “Till the Score is Paid” by Gemma Amor.
8. What is next for you? Anything in the works?
I’m working on a dark fantasy/horror-ish novel that should be out in the next month or so. I’m also working on a novel set in the town of Brownsville. Beyond those, I’m working on several short stories hoping to gain traction in anthologies and magazines.
9. Where can people find you online?
My website
10. Thank you so much! This is your chance to say anything that wasn’t asked. Closing thoughts?
Thanks a bunch for this opportunity. I absolutely love to meet new readers and interact with them. Reach out and say hi, I don’t bite (normally!)