Multi-Talented Author Ephiny Gale #Interview
Ephiny Gale Interview
Author Ephiny Gale
1. Books, short stories, poetry and plays! You are very busy! Let’s start at the beginning. What inspired you to become a writer?
I don’t think I can remember a time before I wanted to write! My parents were enthusiastic readers and definitely passed that passion on to me; I was one of those small children who often climbed my school’s stairs while reading. It seemed perfectly natural to write the kind of stories I enjoyed consuming; I started writing fiction as soon as I was physically able to write.
2. Where did you love of science fiction and fantasy evolve from?
What an interesting question! As a child I was captivated by science fiction and fantasy because they presented such an endless range of possibilities and adventure. I loved the sense of magic (either through actual magic or technology) and glimpses into more exciting and vivid universes than our own.
During my teen years I became somehow convinced that I didn’t, in fact, enjoy speculative fiction because I didn’t particularly like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. I had to re-discover my love of science fiction and fantasy by learning that it comes in many different forms, and that they can still be my favorite genres even if I’m unlikely to be excited by space opera or high fantasy.
3. Congratulations on your collection of short stories Next Curious Thing! What is your favorite story from the collection?
Thank you! I’m fond of lots of stories in that collection, but my favorite is probably ‘The Secret Death of Lane Islington’. It’s a story about a misanthropic singer who pulls her doppelganger out of a portal to an alternate universe, and then teaches said doppelganger to take her place for the events she’d rather not attend. Like many of my pieces, ‘The Secret Death of Lane Islington’ explores the roles we play within society and in relation to other people, but this is a favorite because it does so in a such a fun way.
4. You’ve had several short stories published. What tip would you give a newbie writer who is looking to submit to an anthology or literary magazine?
For anyone new to submissions, I would recommend becoming familiar with Duotrope (paid) or The Submissions Grinder (free). My understanding of and success with the submission process increased immensely once I was introduced to Duotrope. These websites are both excellent resources for learning about potential markets and recording your submissions. Once I’m ready to submit a piece I log into Duotrope, do a search by the piece’s genre and length (e.g. science fiction, 3000 words) and Duotrope generates a list of all the markets that might be interested in a piece with those parameters.
If you’re new to submissions, I would also advise you to take story rejections as par for the course. They’re not just happening because you’re new; writers who regularly sell stories to professional markets at professional rates still get plenty of rejections in the process. It’s not unusual to receive 10 or even 20+ rejections before you sell a story – but once it’s sold, all of those rejections won’t matter!
5. If you could write and produce any play you want, what would it be about?
Anything I want? I’d thrill my childhood self by writing and producing a new Xena: Warrior Princess musical! Failing that, I’d love to write a sci-fi jukebox musical using Sia songs. But if we’re talking straight plays, I’d be keen to adapt Catherynne Valente’s Refrigerator Monologues for the stage; I saw very clearly how I’d direct that when I was reading it.
6. When you’re not writing, what are you up to?
I work full-time as a digital project manager, which can be all-consuming at times. When I’m not working or writing I’m probably having a passionate philosophical discussion or low-key adventure with my spouse (who is also a writer), out at the theatre, or playing board games with friends.
7. What book(s) are you reading right now?
While I’m not in the middle of any books right now, I recently finished Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, which I loved. It wasn’t at all what I was expecting from the publicity, but I really enjoyed what I did get: exploration of a gothic palace, a deadly magical competition, and a complex murder mystery. Also, a terrific and unusual authorial voice.
8. What is next for you? Anything in the works?
I currently have 3 half-written short stories to finish (broadly about AI, witches, and aliens, respectively), which is more than I usually have on the go at once. I know exactly what happens in each of them; I just have to sit down and actually write the endings.
9. Where can people find you online?
The key places would be my website or Twitter
10. Thank you so much! This is you chance to say anything that wasn’t asked. Closing thoughts?
Thank you so much for having me, Nico, and for your generous and thoughtful questions. It’s been a pleasure!