Horror, Fantasy, and Supernatural Thriller Author Kerry E.B. Black #Interview
Kerry E.B. Black Interview
1. Let’s start by getting to know you as an author. What would you say your “brand” is?
Author Kerry E.B. Black
Thank you for interviewing me! I'm a bit of an eclectic mess. I write short stories, drabbles, and flash of many genres. I've a YA supernatural thriller novel with its sequel already penned and in the editing stage. Essays, poetry, articles, and reviews also seize my imagination. I adore boosting fellow writers when I can. I write for this great game designing company, Games Omniverse, when they need, too. I write whatever inspires me, be it history, horror, or non-fiction. Actually, my newest collection of short stories will be fairy tales and myths.
2. Congratulations on the audio book release of Season of Secrets! What inspired this manuscript?
Thank you! Megan L. Hysell did a wonderful job with the Audible adaptation. I'm a huge old-time horror nerd, so late-night Chiller Theater episodes, classic tales of terror, and jaunts through haunted houses formed elements of my perspective. In Season of Secrets, some college kids awaken something paranormal. (Or maybe not. Who knows? Readers, I suppose. haha!) When people in the small community begin dying, these young people feel they must face whatever it is they released during that equinox ceremony high on the hill above the charming Ol' Nor'Eastern campus.
3. How autobiographical is your work? Do you draw off real events?
It depends on the story, really. I've had a lot of experiences in my life, so I do have a wealth from which to draw.
4. We all know that authors have, um, unusual search histories. If the FBI were to search through your history, what would that find that is totally, complete for “research?”
My most recent searches involve the history of witch trials.
5. What tips would you give newbie writers looking to break into the industry?
Find a supportive writing group, whether it's online or in person. Writing can be lonely business, so having others with whom to bond is special. Value a good editor and beta readers. And write those great ideas into stories.
6. What book(s) are you reading right now?
"The Lift" is an anthology of short stories on my Kindle. I have "The Tenth Girl" from my library for the Ladies of Horror Read along. And I read to the youngest of my five children every night, so we're reading "Seraphina and the Seven Stars" with them.
7. If you could co-author a book with any author, living or dead, who would it be and why?
I would love to write with Neil Gaiman. I greatly enjoy his writing and approach to the craft.
8. What is next for you? Anything in the works?
I always have something brewing along with my Earl Grey. Besides the two previously mentioned projects, I'm working on a story called "Wolves at Bay" that I hope will boost disability awareness.
9. Where can people find you online? Bookbub Instagram My Wesbite Facebook Twitter Goodreads
10. Thank you so much! This is your chance to say anything that wasn’t asked. Closing thoughts? Thank you again for including me!